"The time has come," the Walrus said, "of tekkie tools to sing: of wikis, blogs and podcasts and other webby things."

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Podcasts are audio files that can be downloaded from a computer to an IPOD.

Of the three podcast directories that were given in our discovery exercise, I liked the Library of Congress directory the best, no doubt because I am a librarian! I was fascinated to find out that you could listen to famous authors who had presented at the National Book Festival. Also, there was an impressive variety of RSS feeds and email subscriptions available through this site.

For our assignment, I subscribed to a podcast from Podcast Alley called "Open Stacks" which is one librarian's perspective on things of interest to the Library & Information Science profession.

1 comment:

Greg Schwartz said...

It's been quite a while since I recorded a podcast for Open Stacks, which is also my primary professional blog. I encourage you to instead check out my new show, Uncontrolled Vocabulary at http://uncontrolledvocabulary.com (also findable at Podcast Alley). Good luck in your learning!